Safeguarding Documents Current
1. GURC Safeguarding Policy May 2024
2. App A1 - Safeguarding Policy Statement
3. App A2 - The role of a Safeguarding Coordinator
4. App A3: Code of Conduct: Working with Children
5. App A4: Code of Conduct for Working with Adults
6. App A5: Safeguarding Incident Recording Form
7. App A6: Signs and Symptoms of Abuse
8. App C: Model Church OnLine safety Policy
9. App D: Model Ch Policy & Recruitment of Ex-offenders
10. App I: Risk Assessment Guide
12. App J: Risk Assessment Record
13. App R: A Guide to Supporting those Affected by Domestic Abuse
Here is the link to the URC's National Policy and Practice Guidance in Safeguarding - Good Practice 5 for more information and from which all safeguarding appendices can be accessed:- www.urc.org.uk/good-practice-policy-and-procedures