General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR

Historical Facts
Since this Church first produced it's little Handbook in the early 1960's names and addresses have been available for all to see who have a copy of the Handbook. Originally this was printed by an external company, but in 1979 the Church decided to produce it's own. First this was typed out from a paper master list, then making amendments annually and re-typing the information - quite a time consuming operation. At that time only names, addresses and telephone numbers were printed - after all, that was all people had at the time.
Personal Computer
In 1995 when the personal computer [PC] became more readily available, that information was transferred to the PC, then adding mobile telephone numbers and email addresses as the years went on. That information has not only been required to produce the handbook but also to provide URC Head Office with statistical information, for example attendances on Sunday, numbers of people in different age groupss.
Information or Data currently held
Names, addresses, landline and mobile phone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth and deaths. Dates of birth are never divulged to anyone not even to HQ. Since 25 May 2018 it has been a legal requirement for every individual in the Church to give his or her consent for this data to be held on our private PC's database and used for the production of a Directory. It is a subject that is affecting all companies, institutions and organisations nationally holding personal data. and you may well have heard from some already.
Secure Website and Members Database
Our website has now been made very secure. You may have noticed the little padlock in the address bar and https:// before our domain name gurc.org.uk. All data is scrabbled and personal data is password protected on a encripted database, making copying impossible.
Consent Form Returns
All personal data will be removed from our records and Handbooks relating to any person or persons not returning the consent form or not ticking the relevant boxes. This complies with the GDPR Act which came into force on 25 May 2018.